Seasonal work Pea harvest

Rim Vliegen:         46 years
Study:                   MTS 1999
Duration of stay:  jun t/m oct’23
Seasonalwork:      Cologne, Drenthe,

Chauffeurs erwtenoogst Nederland
Why seasonal work?

I was born and raised on a farm, so my heart lies in agriculture. I was planning to leave for a world trip in spring ’23, but unfortunately, I didn’t finish the sidecar of my motorcycle on time. So, I decided to look for temporary work abroad.

How did it work?

Due to the time of the year, seasonal work was closer, starting from mid-June, for 4 months. I participated in the pea harvest and worked as a driver on the unloader (a type of loading wagon). The peas I loaded into the truck then go to the factory. I was also responsible for the transport documents and assisting with various tasks around the harvest.

Why HuizingHarvest?

I wanted to cross the border and first called a temporary employment agency where I had worked before abroad. They didn’t have any work for me at that time and referred me to HuizingHarvest.

Where did you end up?

At the time I contacted HH, there was no seasonal work abroad, but there was pea harvesting in my own country and slightly beyond. Th e tasks also suited me physically well; so I found it a fine substitute for my plans.

Is it as you expected?

I had absolutely no experience with the harvest of vegetable preserves. We harvested peas, edamame, soybeans, and green beans, and I found it very rewarding to do. I am familiar with the “standard crops” like potatoes, beets, grains, and corn. But crops like beans and peas are on our plates daily, so I found it very rewarding to be able to experience the harvest up close now. Agriculture is a very grateful industry; we all need a doctor or a lawyer at some point in our lives, but we need a farmer every day to provide food on our tables.

How do you live?

The pea harvest continues 24 hours a day, so you work in 2 shifts. One week day shift, the other week night shift. It was a one-hour drive to the farm and workdays were almost always at least 12 hours long. The alarm went off at 04:00 AM, and I usually got home around 9:00 PM. During the harvesting in Groningen and Drenthe, our entire team stayed in various hotels close to the work area of that week. From Klazienaveen to the Lauwersmeer, I’ve seen all types of soil. I even harvested above the Lauwersmeer; the clay soil there is really different from the soil I know in my own living environment.

Tips for future adventurers:

You spend the whole day in a team of about 5 people with whom you work closely. You need to be able and willing to work well in a team; it also helps if you speak multiple languages ​​and are willing to spend time together outside of work. You really spend a lot of time together.